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Nasionale Kunskompetisie


OPTOG! stel met trots die OPTOG! Nasionale Kunskompetsie bekend.

Stof jou potlode en verfkwaste af en wys vir ons deur middel van kleur en kuns, wat is jou “My Wêreld”! Jy kan van regoor die land inskryf en daar is nie ‘n beperking op hoeveel stukke jy kan inskryf nie. Elke inskrywing kos R100.

Daar is verskillende oudersomskategorieë en wonderlike kontantpryse op die spel. Hierdie kompetisie is vir jonk en oud, stokperdjie kunstenaars en meer ernstige kunstenaars! Ons nooi die hele Suid-Afrika om deel te neem.

Alle kunswerke gaan die einde van Julie in die Atterbury Teater uitgestal word en selfs te koop aangebied word. Potlood tot olieverf, alles om jou sintuie ‘n hupstoot te gee! Dié kuns gaan ook aanlyn besigtig kan word en jy gaan selfs kan stem vir jou gunsteling in elke kategorie!

Inskrywings sluit Maandag, 26 Julie 2021.

My Wêreld
My wêreld is groot
My wêreld is klein
My wêreld is enige in sy soort…

Kompetisiereëls / Rules of entry

Reëls / Rules

The rules of entry:

1. There are 5 categories to enter into:

  • 5 – 6 years:
    1st Place: R1500
    2nd Place: R1000
    3rd Place: R500
  • 7 – 10 years:
    1st Place: R1500
    2nd Place: R1000
    3rd Place: R500
  • 11 – 14 years:
    1st Place: R3000
    2nd Place: R2000
    3rd Place: R1000
  • 15 – 18 years:
    1st Place: R3000
    2nd Place: R2000
    3rd Place: R1000
  • 19 + years:
    1st Place: R10000
    2nd Place: R5000
    3rd Place: R3000

2. Entries open Monday, 21 June and will close on Monday, 26 July.
All artwork needs to be delivered no later than Thursday, 29 July.

3. Entries to be delivered to Atterbury Theatre (see address below) by 29 July for display. All items are to be put up for sale, unless otherwise specified by artist.

4. Artwork must not be larger than A2 format – 594mm x 420mm
All artwork on paper or must be framed or mounted – no rolled or folded entries please.

5. Drawings, paintings, etching and silk screen will be accepted.

6. No sculptures or needlework will be allowed to enter.

7. Please add the below information to the back of your painting/artwork:

a. Your name
b. Short story of your painting
c. Medium used & size of artwork
d. Price of artwork

8. Do not paste or write on the front of your painting. All information must be added to the back of the painting/artwork.

9. All art will be on display and for sale at Atterbury Theatre for 3 weeks. Atterbury Theatre will take a 25% commission on all art sold – please calculate this into your price you want to sell the artwork for.

10. All artwork information, together with a high resolution photo, needs to be emailed to by 29 July 2021 for upload onto the website.

a. Your name and contact details
b. Short story of your painting – 90 words
c. Medium used & size of artwork as well as any extra information – for example: Framed
d. Price of artwork (25% commission for Atterbury Theatre added)
e. High resolution photo
ii. 300DPI
iii. Colour – if the artwork is in colour
iv. The file must be at least 2mb but no larger than 8mb

11. The delivery and pick-up (of unsold artwork) is for the cost of the artist.

Navrae / Queries

Reëls / Rules

Hierdie splinternuwe konsep word ondersteun deur King Price versekering en Atterbury Teater.

OPTOG Nasionale Kunskompetisie