Afrika Blues – Louis Mhlanga, Schalk Joubert, Albert Frost, Sima Mashazi & Jonno Sweetman
Hierdie vertoning was ‘n musikale hoogtepunt by ons kunstefeeste verlede jaar. Die Blues is in Afrika gebore en sy wortels is nog diep in ons kontinent. Dit het oorgespoel na ons plaaslike musiek toe – van boeremusiek tot township jive. Met die bekroonde Sima Mashazi se kristalhelder stem en die virtuose musikante Louis Mhlanga, Schalk Joubert, Albert Frost en Jonno Sweetman is hierdie vertoning gelaai met uitstaande kitaarspel, aansteeklike ritmes en ‘n opwindende reis na die oorsprong van ons land se bekendste liedjies en style.
This show was a musical highlight at our arts festivals last year. The blues was born in Africa and its roots are still deep in our continent. It spilled over into our local music – from country music to township jive. With the award-winning Sima Mashazi’s crystal-clear voice and the virtuoso musicians Louis Mhlanga, Schalk Joubert, Albert Frost and Jonno Sweetman, this show is loaded with outstanding guitar playing, infectious rhythms and the unabashed journey to the origin of our country’s most famous songs and styles.